Loadsmart Blog

Check out your future without check calls - Loadsmart

Written by aaronroseman | Sep 7, 2021

Tracking services are no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a shippers expectation. This may seem like an added responsibility to your calendar that has no more time to spare, but it doesn’t have to be. Loadsmart offers tracking connections to all its carriers so that you can better manage your schedule, freeing up time your calendar so you can spend more time managing and scaling your fleet.

Loadsmart works with many tracking services, but namely EDI, P44, and Keep Truckin’. With these connections carriers can send truck locations automatically, which means no more check calls to drivers or dispatchers. Just like that tracking is no longer an added burden. Learn a little more about P44 and Keep Truckin’ below and how to quickly start the connection: 


  • Free to set up
  • Require no engineering work
  • 10-minute set up
  • Can connect with any ELD that a carrier uses


  • Free to set up
  • Require no engineering work
  • 10-minute set up
  • If a carrier uses KT as an ELD Loadsmart can connect directly it

Connect Loadsmart with Keep Truckin’

Connect Loadsmart with P44


About Loadsmart

We are industry veterans and data-scientists using innovative technology to fearlessly reinvent the future of freight. As the ‘nerds of logistics’, we seek intelligence in data to solve deep-rooted inefficiencies in the industry. We give shippers, brokers and carriers access to our data connections (linking supply and demand) and suite of award-winning solutions to strike the perfect balance of cost and service. We’re creating a more efficient and environmentally responsible way to move more with less. For more information, please visit: https://loadsmart.com