85% of supply chains went through at least one significant disruption in 2013. This makes it crucial to have a plan in place, having back ups for constant critical functions is key
Constructing a Sustainability Plan
- Know your company, what are the crucial systems, products, and services.
Developing the Plan
- Think about both physical and technological issues that might deter you.
- Know the probability of these disruptions occurring, which of these are a must plan.
- Have a decision making chain of command.
- Outline your process and contacts, know how long it should take you to implement the plan.
- Know how, when, and where to replicate data.
- Figure out and contact the people and resources needed outside the company.
Practicing and Using the Sustainability Plan-
- Basic Internal Plan, people should know who to contact and the dos and don’ts.
- Who are the key players and have them fully trained.
- The people higher up in the company should approve of the sustainability plan.
- Install needed software/hardware
For more specific instruction on planning go to Inbound Logistics>>