Loadsmart Blog

FMCSA is allowing laptops and handheld devices for truckers

However you feel about logging software programs they are now easier for drivers to use with the revision by FMCSA  having gone into effect in July.

According to FMCSA, no longer will drivers have to print and sign paper copies of the information given by the electronic software. The driver will just have to electronically sign them on their handheld devices every day and seamlessly present this information on their handheld devices during load inspections.

Now LoadBook’s question is…

How do drivers feel about the accessibility of these e-logs on their handheld devices? If they are limiting and tracking a drivers hours but paying them by mile, is it fair to limit their hours when expecting them to go a certain distance? Then again FMCSA is just looking out for the safety of not only the drivers but the commuters surrounding them. Thoughts?

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