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DOT issues permits to transport Ebola Medical Waste but to who might surprise you

This special permit was granted by DOT to Stericyle to transport Ebola medical waste in Texas. These permit are given to ensure the companies transporting the Ebola waste are qualified and know the precautions that need to take place when transporting contagious diseases like Ebola. DOT and the center for disease control and prevention are working together to form similar guidelines for other states if Ebola spread to other states. American Shipper>>

Now although thats all nice and good, the real scandalous question is WHO is transporting the ebola waste ?

Stericylce has a history of illegally dumping aborted babies. Yes, you read that correct. Stericyle was fined $42,000 in 2011 for this act. When it was discovered that the remains of the aborted babies were powering the local power plant. Not only that but Stericycle has just recently come into the spotlight again for using an incinerator that is causing air pollution in Utah. There is even a website StopStericycle.com and Facebook page fighting against this Stericycle. Should this be the companies that the Center for Disease Control and Prevent and DOT be issuing these permit too?   CNS News>>  

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