Loadsmart Blog

ATA conference: The technology of today

The American Trucking Association Conference that took place in San Diego from Oct. 4-7 had a lot of technological solutions to the problems in the trucking industry. Fleets and suppliers were particularly targeting the driver’s experience. Video based driver risk  management was the most popular technology discussed at ATA. Although Video based driver risk management tool and other technological advancments are very useful, there is also the question of privacy.

In a world where people like Edward Snowden are telling you to get rid of Dropbox and avoid Google and Amazon if you value your privacy, should we accept the reality of the world we live in which has little privacy or stay traditional with no technological advancements? Would you actually stop using Google and Amazon? LoadSmart would love to know how the trucking industry feels about adding cameras and GPS in trucks, along with other technological tools.

Technology at ATA

Here is a quick list of the most talked about technology at the American Trucking Association Conference. For more info on all of this go to CCJ Digital>>

1. DriveCam for Lytx lists top drivers in need of interventions

2. SmartDrive 360 viewing

3. Zonar with GreenRoad for real time driver feedback

4. PeopleNet in-cab scanning capabilities for documents

5. Omnitracs in scanning application on mobile

6. TND 760 weigh station bypass


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