Loadsmart Blog

Shippers using the spot market poorly

Attention Shippers, the price of transportation is going up for multiple reasons but if you could do something to lower those prices wouldn’t you? Shippers are impairing themselves in the spot freight market. Most shippers release their list of loads to all of the brokers they know looking for the best options. What shippers are actually doing is creating more options for drivers that are not actually there.This creates a hyped up demand for trucks and drivers that are not actually there. (Now we all know there is a huge demand for drivers as a whole, I am addressing the spot market specifically). As this “demand” increases truckers expect higher prices. As the trucking industry evolves the hassle of trying to find trucks for your loads will become easier but for now trying to stop going to multiple brokers, know where the smartest and quickest way to gain access to truckers at low prices are and stop creating false demand that raise prices. Shippers and truckers for more info go to Inbound Logistics>>

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