Loadsmart Blog

FMCSA regulation plans for 2015

In one year FMCSA will propose five rules to alter regulations in the trucking industry.This month alone the FMCSA will propose an increase in liability insurance for motor carriers. This is going to be a year of change, let’s see what’s coming.

Changes in the Trucking Industry

  • Agency’s safety fitness determination carriers scoring plan.
  • Speed Limiters on all Class 8’s
  • CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse- a data with all truck drivers that failed or refused a drug or alcohol test. Also mandating motor carriers to see the data before hiring.
  • Mandating e-log devices
  • Forbid coercion between truck drivers
  • Make it easier for military members to get a CDL. (in the works)

For more info go to CCJ Digital>>

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