Loadsmart Blog

Todays decaying infrastructure, current issues and plans by Secretary of Transportation

Obama’s first secretary of Transportation Ray Lahood and the current secretary of transportation Anthony Foxx have both discussed  the importance of voting this coming tuesday, when 435 congress seats will be elected. They remind us that the current congress has not been able to pass a long term high way bill, LaHood claims that there is no vision in todays congress. Here are some interesting infrastructure facts by both the former and current secretary of transportation.

Thoughts by Ray Lahood (Former Secretary of Transportation)

– The US used to be #1 in infrastructure, we are now #15

-“Build an interstate road and you create a corridor of commerce.”

– Recommends gas tax increase of 10 cents per gallon, and it needs to be indexed to the cost of living.

– Him and the rest of the Obama administration were working on plans to boost a world class high speed rail which has cost $8 billion.

Thoughts by Anthony Foxx (Current Secretary of Transportation)

-People are finally understanding that “short term measures are doing damage to our system.”

-The current gas tax is 18.4 cents but has not been raised since 1993.

-The Last Transportation Bill approved by congress (2012) included $50 billion per year but the gas tax is only bring in $34 billion per year.

For more on Ray Lahood go to Trucking Info>>

For Anthony Foxx  go to The Trucker>>

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