Loadsmart Blog

No privacy, DOT preparing for all the data coming in loads

Lets face it, our lives are very public. All of our lives are collected for data, from what we look for online, our conversations and our location. In the past, location was less of a factor in data but now with means of travel becoming more and more technological (connections with GPS, chevy adding Wi-fi to cars, E-Z pass, and e-logging) connections are bringing in a ridiculous amount of data, and with technology growing exponentially, the growth is insurmountable to past data collection and we are not prepare for it. Quality is more important then quantity and finding the useful data will become harder. To start preparing for it the department of transportation has hired its first chief data officer Dan Morgan who in just three months has already started measuring data quality and building a web data service to access the data easily. The department of transportation, in collaborating with Dan Morgan, is working on giving data collectors (mainly states) the correct tools to gather data in this grand information age. However making people try something new has been a challenge. The next discussion according to the chief data officer is asking the tough questions: What to exchange, how to store it and what does it mean? As well as how to retain that content over long periods of time. FedScoop>>

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