Loadsmart Blog

Government has two options on the table for finding reliable transportation funds

The last time congress truly helped transportation funding revenue was when Bill Clinton had just become president. Now because of certain revenue shortfalls congress will be forced to reassess transportation funding by May.

The Two Major Bi-Partisan Options

1. Simply raise the federal gas tax and ideally raising it in accordance to inflation rates, if they had done this in 1993 (the last time they raised the gas tax) we would not be so short on transportation funding. The one issue with gas taxes is with todays technology, cars are becoming more and more fuel efficient and with the Tesla running completely on electricity, who knows how efficient this tax will be.

2. Obama and some other republicans are favoring a different approach. They would like to raise the money through corporate tax returns and putting it into transportation. The revenue however would be a one time fund and although it would provide years of continuous funding there are no promises it will leave transportation in a better place once the money runs out.


For more information go to the Washington Post>>

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