Loadsmart Blog

List of upcoming rules and mandates by the DOT: E-logging, Speed Limiters, etc.


On September 30,2015 the final electronic logging device mandate shall be in place, however the e-log mandate will not be enforced until two years laters on 9/30/17.

Speed Limiters

Next on the DOT’s list is a mandate on speed limiters. This proposition is expected to be delivered to the White Houses’ office of management and budgets next month. It has been a project the DOT has been working on for awhile but has pushed back several times this year.

Minimum Liability Insurance

The rule does not intend to raise the current minimum but intends to be more of a survey to gather data from carriers.

Other Mandates Being Published by the End of 2015

The Safety Fitness Determination Rules should be published by April.

The Anti-Coercion of Drivers by Carriers and Brokers is expected by the end of September.

The CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Rules is expected by the end of October.

For more go to CCJ>>

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