Loadsmart Blog

Happy Holidays But Be Careful: The Stats on Thanksgiving Weekend Travel

This year there is an expected increase in Thanksgiving weekend travel which starts today (Nov 26) and ends Sunday (Nov 30). The reason for the increase is believed to come from two factors, one because people are more optimistic on the economy and two because Americans are seeing the lowest gas prices since 2009.

More than 46 million Americans will travel at least 50 miles. These stats are 4.2% higher than last year and are the highest stats since 2007.

89% will travel by highway a 4.3% increase from last year.

Average Distance traveled is 549 miles roundtrip.

Average Spending amounts to $573.

An estimated 418 traffic fatalities/ 44,7000 injuries requiring medical attention.

And an estimated 153 lives saved during thanksgiving because of seat belts.



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