Loadsmart Blog

Technological Trends in Trucking that Are Revolutionizing the Industry.

Around 70% of drivers now own personal devices to keep them connected on the road. Lets face it, the technological advancements have seemingly happened overnight and it will most likely continue to grow at an overwhelming rate. CCJ has the top five trends changing the trucking industry.

1. Drivers Using Their Own Devices-  Drivers with technology in their trucks prefer to handle their business with their own personal smartphones and tablets once they are off the road.

2. New Vehicles Making It Easier to Stay Connected- New vehicles are now have the technology to keep you connected to smartphones, other vehicles, and infrastructure.

3. Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE)- Companies still want to have a handle on your data.

4. Virtual Fleets- making it easier to find loads.

5.  Apps are The Way to Go.

For more go to CCJ>> 

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