Loadsmart Blog

C.H. Robinson is Buying Freightquote.com For $365 Million

The third party logistics company C.H Robinson has reached an agreement to buy Freightquote.com for $365 million in cash. Lets see what concept gets you $365 million.

Freightquote.com Facts

-It took 15 years to get to where they are

-“Quotes from the best carriers with the lowest rates, instantly.”

-Privately held, Freightquote.com is one of the largest internet- based freight brokers in the U.S.

-They have about 1,000 employees

-Freightquote.com provides truckload, less-than-truckload and intermodal services to about 80,000 customers

-It’s net revenue this year is estimated at $124 million

-Freightquote.com allows smaller businesses the technology to find good rates and has easy load acceptance and payment processing.





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