Loadsmart Blog

A Nicaraguan Canal, Changing Not Just the Trucking Industry but The Dynamic of The Worlds Super Powers.

Before the Panama canal, there was a Nicaraguan canal project that failed. Now more then 100 years later the Nicaraguan canal might become a reality. After 5 years in the works, a Chinese company has gotten the approval of the Nicaraguan government to start this massive project on December 22. There are concerns for the 30,000 people that will be relocated, as well as concerns that this $50 billion project will get abandoned, leaving Nicaragua picking up the pieces. How they would do so is unconceivable considering that $50 billion is 4x the size of Nicaragua’s economy. This project has been very secretive and mysterious for awhile, inciting curiosity in some who do not understand why we need another canal when the Panama canal expansion is almost done. Some believe this is just China’s way of gaining control in shipping its exports, as well as gaining more influence in Central and South America.

The Nicaraguan Canal if completed will be wider, deeper and longer than the Panama Canal. This canal will double the cargos shipping capacity and quadruple capacity in 10 years. This will surely have an imposing effect on the transportation industry in the United States. There are concerns that the trucking industry is not ready for the increase in capacity.

For more on the shift in Superpowers and Conspiracies go to CNN>

For the shift in the trucking industry go to CCJ>>


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