Loadsmart Blog

Last Week’s Top Stories

Problem Replacing Our Aging Workforce, the Average Age of a Trucker Has Risen

In 2013 the average age of a truck driver was above the national workforce average at 46.5 and 52 in the private trucking sector. Difficulty replacing our aging workforce is only one of the factors in our driver shortage, find out one of the reason only 4.9% of our truckers are between the ages of 20-24 years old.

A Nicaraguan Canal, Changing Not Just the Trucking Industry but The Dynamic of The Worlds Super Powers.

This canal could potentially quadruple our shipping capacity in 10 years while giving more influence to China in South America.

C.H. Robinson is Buying Freightquote.com For $365 Million

Freightquote.com has been around for 15 years, they have 1,000 employees and are one of the top internet freight broker sites, they have officially been acquired by C.H. Robinson.

Technological Trends in Trucking that Are Revolutionizing the Industry.

Data on what’s popular with truckers and motor carriers is shaping the future of trucking technology.


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