Loadsmart Blog

Collins: The Woman Behind the HOS Amendment.

The changes to the hours of service regulations are being celebrated by many trucking associations around the country, and they have Senator Collins to thank for it. Here’s a little information on the woman behind the HOS amendment.

-First elected in 1996, this is her 3rd term.

-In 2011 Collins got trucks weighing up to 100,000 lbs on Maine highways that were once re-routed to busy downtown streets.

-Collins lives in a rural northern part of Maine, it’s big trucking country.

– Collins efforts won praise by many trucking associations as well as FedEx.

– FedEx was her 9th largest contributor with $44,500.

-Collins raised $2.76 million in total.

-She has fought for many other issues including, repealing $50 billion in tax breaks for tobacco industry and helped repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell”

– In 2002 she became chairman of Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee and continues to work as a member.

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