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Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements

The NTSB identifies what transportation safety issues need improvement by examining their accident investigations. Their goal is to increase awareness about what the transportation sector needs to improve on and recommends solutions.

The number of accidents involving large trucks, a number that use to decrease, has been increasing since 2009. They want to push for medically fit exams of drivers before being allowed on the road.

NTSB Most Wanted List 2015

Disconnect from Deadly Distractions

End Substance Impairment in Transportation

Enhance Public Helicopter Safety

Implement Positive Train Control in 2015

Improve Rail Tank Car Safety

Make Mass Transit Safer

Prevent Loss of Control in Flight in General Aviation

Require Medical Fitness for Duty

Strenthen Commercial Trucking Safety

Strengthen Procedural Compliance

2015’s Official List

Go to USA Today for further details>>

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