Loadsmart Blog

The New “It” Tablet For Truckers

Yesterday Rand McNally launched the TND Tablet (Android). The tablet is designed for both business and pleasure. It has everything a standard tablet would have but also includes many trucking specific features.

Some Features

-Truck Specific Routing.

-Mileage Tracking.

-On-Board Dash Camera that record road ahead.

-TripMaker Planning Tool.

-An eBook edition of Rand McNally’s Motor Carriers’ Road Atlas.

-Fuel Manager.

-Pre-loaded Business Apps- Including documents scanning, loadmatching,TRANSFLO Mobile+ & bookkeeping

-Elogging (when paired with the Rand McNally HD 100 device).

-Also includes all the standard Android features like email, social media, and downloadable entertainment.

All of this and more can be yours for the price of $500.


For more go to Rand McNally>>

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