Loadsmart Blog

How Logistics Technology Can Save the Environment

We’ve talked about how logistics technology can save the industry, but did you know it could help save the environment, too? As a highly fragmented industry that’s severely lacking in technology, many trucks are running with little efficiency. If the trucking industry could eliminate its deadhead miles, trucks would spend less time on the roads, using less fuel and cutting down on emissions.

The Facts of the Matter: Deadhead Miles and the Trucking Industry

In a 700 billion dollar industry that moves 70% of all goods in the United States, there is little room for inefficiency. Class 8 trucks log over 130 billion miles a year, with nearly 20 billion of those considered deadhead miles. The trucking industry accounts for 12.8% of all fuel purchased in the U.S., which translates to 17.5 billion gallons in 2014 alone. By eliminating deadhead miles, the industry would save over 2.5 billion gallons of fuel every year. A decrease in fuel use and emissions will in turn reduce air, water and land pollution, acid rain and ozone destruction.

Real-Time Shipment Tracking and Notifications Eliminate Deadhead Miles

Real-time shipment tracking sounds pretty “Big Brother,” right? Well it’s not, in fact, real-time shipment tracking is one of the most powerful tools available to the industry, for shippers, carriers and the environment. Using GPS technology, logistics platforms are able to send carriers local jobs instantly, eliminating time usually spent at loadboards. When carriers are able to find loads via location instead of traveling back with an empty trailer, shippers receive better rates, drivers don’t have to waste time, extra trips are eliminated and the entire process is streamlined.

Fleet Management Makes For Better Business Decisions

Knowledge is power. It’s an age-old adage for a reason. When dispatchers and owners know exactly what’s going on with their drivers, via tracking, open communication platforms, instant e-document transfers and load organization tools, they are able to make better and more informed business decisions.

So What Does Logistics Technology Mean For the Environment?

With a growing number people in the industry transitioning to technology based platforms, the overall efficiency of the industry is poised to skyrocket in the coming years.Our goal is to bring the excess capacity to market and eliminate the billions of deadhead miles traveled every year. With an increase in efficiency, there will be a decrease in traffic, emission, safety and economic concerns. 


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