Loadsmart Blog

Human Trafficking Tipline: New Mobile App Feature

As part of Loadsmart’s recent efforts to help end human trafficking, we’ve just launched a new feature for our truck driver mobile app that allows users to instantly connect with The National Human Trafficking Hotline to quickly provide tips, seek services, request help, or alert authorities—all without leaving our app.

“This is too big of an issue to ignore, and an important investment that we’re making as a company and as people,” explains co-founder and Chief Product Officer Felipe Capella.

Not just about “doing good” or “giving back,” the trucking industry is very much on the frontline in the fight against human trafficking, having become one of the larger demographics of callers to the hotline in recent years.

To learn more about how Loadsmart is working to help break the cycle of sex trafficking, check out our previous post or email us.


The new Human Trafficking Tipline feature added to Loadsmart’s Driver app.

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