Loadsmart Blog

Loadsmart to talk supply chain tech and ROI at 3PL & Supply Chain Summit: Atlanta

Erica E. Phillips, supply chain reporter for WSJ Logistics Report, writes that the hiring binge for logistics and freight companies may only be just beginning. The sector added 18,700 jobs last month, giving transport and logistics operations 73,000 new jobs since the start of the year. Companies are scrambling to keep up with surging shipping demand in what they say is the hottest transportation jobs market in several years.

While positive news, the peak shipping season is not here yet. How can we support manufacturers and retailers, and ensure they can fulfil their supply chain?

The digital supply chain is being hailed as the way forward, yet this comes with its own set of challenges. Virginia Howard, research director, Supply Chain Research Group, Gartner, correctly notes that digital technologies are enabling and promoting changes that have a larger impact, greater unpredictability and increased frequency. And that now, more than ever, high-tech supply chains require digital skills and methods to deliver customer-driven solutions in an on-demand fashion.

The digital supply chain vs. ROI

Erik Malin, head of operations, Loadsmart

Erik Malin, head of operations, Loadsmart

If everyone is going to be confronted by disruption in the marketplace, how can manufacturers and retailers choose technologies that will bring real ROI?

On Thursday, June 7 at 11:45 am, Erik Malin, Loadsmart head of operations, will join fellow panel members from BCG Logistics Group, DHL Supply Chain, Kenco Innovation Labs at the 3PL & Supply Chain Summit: Atlanta.

During the logistics technology stream, Erik will discuss how data and technology has empowered manufacturers and retailers alike – and how it is very different from mere automation.


In summary:

  • Learn from the early adopters: Gauge which technologies offer the best ROI opportunities, efficiencies, pilot results and customer responses, from people who’ve put them to the test
  • Rethink ROI in the digital supply chain: Discuss how far you need to spend money to make money to see the biggest returns from the new wave of technological transformation
  • Hear from the technology makers: Find out directly from the tech creators how they are enabling the transformation from linear to dynamic digital supply networks

Email us if you want to meet the Loadsmart team at the summit or if you want to learn more.

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