Loadsmart Blog

Introducing Price Calendar: Quote 2 Weeks In 1 Second, Find the Best Rate

Shippers: ever wonder how much you would save if you shipped one day earlier or one day later? How about one week earlier or one week later?

Today, we’re introducing the Price Calendar tool in our Loadsmart Transit product, which allows you to answer those questions in seconds. When you quote a shipment with us, besides the rate for the date you selected, you’ll automatically see rates for a 12-day range. See how it works 👇

The feature will highlight the date with the best rate, but you can scroll side-to-side by clicking on the arrows to identify cost savings for other dates near your original selection.

Like what you see? Simply click on the pick up date you want and start booking. No additional steps required! And if you used a facility from your address book, you’ll just need to confirm the information saved.

In short, this allows our shipper customers to more easily check rates for different dates, finding the best rate and maximizing cost savings in the blink of an eye.

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