Loadsmart Blog

No Longer Left in the Dark: Give Carriers Clarity on How Their Proposals Fare Against Others

You just left your first job interview. You’re walking back to your car feeling confused. Did it go well? Could I have said something differently? You received no feedback from the interviewer – besides “be on the lookout for an email from us,” making it very hard to judge the success of the interview. Carriers experience this all the time during RFP season. Many are left confused as to what they could have done differently to be awarded contracts. 

During the RFP process, shippers get to pick and award carriers based on their needs. For those carriers who were not awarded a contract they receive no feedback from the shipper. They’re left in the dark with no tangible steps to improve their grade with shippers. A recent update to RFP Guide allows shippers to give carriers insights into how they compare against their competitors – allowing them to get clarity on what to do differently next time.

Now, after concluding the RFP Process, non-awarded carriers will receive a thank you email from shippers with a link to a carrier feedback dashboard. The dashboard shows the difference between proposed and accepted values in increments of 5% – this is done to maintain the privacy of carriers. This update will provide clarity and feedback for carriers on how their proposal fared against the awarded proposal, ultimately improving the relationship between shippers and carriers.

Learn more about RFP Guide!

About Loadsmart

We are industry veterans and data-scientists using innovative technology to fearlessly reinvent the future of freight. As the ‘nerds of logistics’, we seek intelligence in data to solve deep-rooted inefficiencies in the industry. We give shippers, brokers and carriers access to our data connections (linking supply and demand) and suite of award-winning solutions to strike the perfect balance of cost and service. We’re creating a more efficient and environmentally responsible way to move more with less. For more information, please visit: https://loadsmart.com

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