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Domestic Drayage: Simplifying Intermodal Logistics

Drayage might be the most taken-for-granted shipping mode. For companies using intermodal (rail) or importing containers, this can be a problem because failures in this vital link in the supply chain can create even greater issues down the road.

It’s a mistake when companies ignore this short but essential leg of a shipment's journey. It’s also a mistake to think drayage is the same as over-the-road truckload (OTR), even though both involve a tractor-trailer. It’s a specialized service with specialized carriers — and its own importance.  

What’s Drayage and Are You Using It?

Drayage may be part of your logistics network and you do not even realize it. A drayage shipment is a short-haul movement of freight containers to and from ports, railyards, and inland distribution centers. It’s the very important first- or last mile that bridges the gap between containers sitting on an ocean container or a train and a local truck that can get it to or from where it’s going.

A lot of the time, drayage is a part of the package when it comes to shipping containers via ocean or rail, which is how you may be using drayage and not know it. This is why the problems start because many companies do not realize how vital drayage really is.  

Why is Drayage Important and Useful?

Drayage done right can offer several key benefits. For example, intermodal shipping often provides significant cost savings over OTR shipping. And using rail always requires drayage. Railroads run on tight schedules, but the freight needs to get to their ramps to make the train. Drayage plays a key part in that.

Container ports operate on tight schedules, too. When containers do not get picked up, there will not only be delays that impact the downstream supply chain but there can be severe added expenses from detention and demurrage.

Drayage leads to overall better efficiency since it ensures smooth transitions between the different modes of transportation, minimizing delays and keeping your cargo on schedule.

How Can Loadsmart Help Shippers with Drayage?

With so much on the line with drayage moves, working with trusted partners and leveraging technology to keep drayage shipments on track is important.

Effortless Efficiency

Loadsmart provides shippers with a cutting-edge platform to streamline the entire drayage process. Our technology provides shippers with several key advantages.

  • Real-Time Visibility: Users can book and manage everything about their shipment online, so there are fewer phone calls and less time spent tracking down updates on a load’s status.
  • Cost Control: Leveraging Loadsmart’s huge network of pre-vetted carriers enables companies to always find the most competitive rates and reliable transit times to keep their supply chain on track. Our transparent pricing eliminates hidden fees and ensures there are no surprises.
  • Always on Support: 24/7 customer support ensures proactive issue resolution to address any issues and delays as they happen.

We Do More Than Move Containers

A reliable and cost-efficient drayage operation is a must-have for supply chains that utilize ocean freight and domestic railroads. Loadsmart’s drayage service and technology remove friction from your intermodal operations and ensure your cargo moves swiftly and efficiently. Don’t let port delays and inefficient drayage capacity hold you back.

Ready to unlock the power of seamless intermodal logistics? Contact Loadsmart today and see how our drayage solutions can revolutionize this important link in your supply chain.

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