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Loadsmart Named 2023 Top Tech Startup by Food Logistics, Supply & Demand Chain Executive

Food Logisticsthe only publication exclusively covering the movement of product through the global cold food supply chain, and Supply & Demand Chain Executivethe only publication covering the entire global supply chain, selected Loadsmart as one of this year’s Top Tech Startups, which spotlights top software and technology startups in the supply chain and logistics space.

AI-powered automation retains its top spot from a majority of the winners (46% vs. last year’s 35%), with AI, smart data capture and real-time transportation management trailing behind (41%, 33% and 29%, respectively). And, winners range in revenue from $1 million to $20 million-plus, with startups beginning operation as early as 2000. 

“Many of today's startups are poised to disrupt the supply chain space. Whether it's raising money to improve sustainability, visibility and food safety or empowering companies to enhance the last mile, these startups are putting innovation at the forefront. They're introducing real-time tracking and carbon footprint solutions and developing robotics and wearables to better move product from Point A to Point B in the safest, most efficient manner,” says Marina Mayer, editor-in-chief of Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive. "The future of the supply chain industry is now. And, now is the time to shine a spotlight on these startups' initiatives.”

Three winners have been selected to present on Manifest's Innovation Stage, scheduled for Feb. 5-7, 2024, and a number of the other winners will be featured in the Education Program.

Go to https://foodl.me/5z0zecqd to view the full list of Top Tech Startup winners.

About Loadsmart

Loadsmart revolutionizes the logistics landscape by combining cutting-edge technology with high-level transportation services to optimize freight spend, increase efficiency, and enhance service quality. Whether it be through managed transportation services, a Next Gen TMS, dock scheduling software, truck management solutions, dynamic freight brokerage, or tailor-made optimization solutions, we empower shippers, carriers, and warehouses to move more with less.. For more information, please visit: https://loadsmart.com

About Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive

Food Logistics reaches more than 26,000 supply chain executives in the global food and beverage industries, including executives in the food sector (growers, producers, manufacturers, wholesalers and grocers) and the logistics section (transportation, warehousing, distribution, software and technology) who share a mutual interest in the operations and business aspects of the global cold food supply chain. Supply & Demand Chain Executive is the only supply chain publication covering the entire global supply chain, focusing on trucking, warehousing, packaging, procurement, risk management, professional development and more. Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive also operate SCN Summit and Women in Supply Chain Forum. Go to www.FoodLogistics.com and www.SDCExec.com to learn more.

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