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Overcoming Technophobia: How Shippers Can Help Their Carriers

The logistics industry has evolved rapidly over the past several years, and these changes are showing no signs of slowing down. But a lot of carriers and individual truckers are anti-technology, which can be frustrating for shippers who are trying to make data-driven decisions and provide the best customer experience. If you are a shipper, here is what you need to know.

Why some carriers fear technology

Technophobia & Concerns about time and money

Technophobia, or the fear of technology, is an actual diagnosable mental health issue. And it’s surprisingly common, affecting about a third of people around the world. In some cases, people are afraid of the actual technology itself, but this is pretty rare. More commonly, the technology triggers another fear. In the case of truckers, these fears often have to do with concerns about being replaced by autonomous trucks or concerns about being constantly monitored.

For carriers, technology can seem to be at odds with their core mission. They want to deliver goods as quickly and easily as possible, get paid, and move on to the next delivery. Each new technology that comes their way can seem like just another scheme designed to take their money and slow down their processes.

Why new technology is good for carriers

The irony of carriers’ resistance to technology is that new technology can be good for their business. Tracking data is the only way to know what’s working and what needs to be tweaked for better efficiency. Moving to electronic documentation dramatically reduces the physical paperwork that drivers need to complete. And utilizing technology platforms makes communication between carriers, drivers, shippers, and customers much smoother and easier.

How shippers can help carriers overcome their concerns

As a shipper, you are probably already aware of how useful technology can be. From inventory tracking to logistics, technology can make your entire process more cost-effective and more efficient.

The all-new ShipperGuide can help to streamline your experience like never before. From planning to procurement to execution, this freight management software solution provides the real-world data you need to make smarter business decisions. You can even bring your existing carriers into our network, allowing you to monitor their bid history, compliance, and other details over time.

But how can you convince your carriers to come on board? By showing them what’s in it for them. It’s just a simple fact of human nature that people tend to be more receptive to something new when they clearly understand its benefits. In particular, speak to ShipperGuide’s tracking feature. It lets you invite carriers from outside the Loadsmart system to bid on your load and then, once you accept a bid, initiate autonomous tracking.

All the carrier has to do is assign the load in the Shipment Details page. If the carrier is in our system, they can simply choose a driver from the dropdown menu and we’ll initiate mobile app tracking. If not, they can assign the load to a truck and accept our invitation to integrate with the Loadsmart system, and we’ll use the onboard ELD to track the load. 

It’s simple and easy, with no new technology for the carrier to learn. Shippers can then use the ShipperGuide platform and tracking data to communicate with your customer about delivery updates, as well as to log data from the trip for future analytics.

Meet carriers where they are


Of course, simply sharing the benefits of new technology may not be enough. You might also need to address the various concerns detailed above. The tracking feature is a good way to alleviate fears about the time and money involved with new technology. 

Autonomous tracking can actually add a layer of freedom to the driver’s day. Rather than worrying about manually updating their company and their customer, drivers are free to focus on their other duties while the autonomous tracking process plays out.

Even the highest levels of trucking technology cannot replace a human driver. These professionals not only drive the trucks, but they also have skills that are absolutely essential. From proper loading to routine maintenance, truck drivers know their equipment inside and out, and how to make the most of it. Automation, such as autonomous tracking, is designed to make their lives easier by removing some of the drudgery and paperwork. This allows them to focus on what they do best – safely navigating the open road and delivering goods on time. 

Of course, every carrier and driver is different, and shippers and carriers should develop relationships based on who you are and what your needs are. But with hopefully a little effort, you can help carriers learn to embrace the new technologies that will make your business and theirs a bit more profitable.

Are you ready to work with your carriers to help them adopt new technology that provides a better experience for everyone? Learn more about how ShipperGuide is a win-win for shippers, carriers, and customers! 

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