Loadsmart Blog

2017 By The Numbers

Trucking is one of the nation’s largest workforces, employing more than 3.5 million drivers. In 2017, trucks transported 10 billion tons of freight, which equals 70% of all domestic freight tonnage. And it’s only to be expected to increase in 2018. Needless to say, we have exciting times ahead of us.

Before we jump into 2018, let’s take a moment to review our year and some of our amazing accomplishments – none of which would have been possible without our customers and the Loadsmart team.

Loadsmart’s revenue grew by 150% in 2017 which was the culmination of a number of factors. We on-boarded Anheuser-Busch and Albertsons / Safeway among other Fortune 500 companies by offering instant rates for around 900,000 lanes.

Technology wise we made great strides as we enhanced our machine learning pricing algorithm in August to version 2.0. We also re-wrote all Instant Loads infrastructure – allowing carriers to accept loads with one click – and launched the Instant Loads app for Android and iOS: carriers now have visibility on all available loads and can book them from their mobile devices. Last but not least, we put our Pricing API to use and are conducting integration pilots with several leading companies. Watch this space in 2018!

Another significant update was the launch of a Human Trafficking Tip line on our truck-driver mobile app, enabling  users to connect with The National Human Trafficking Hotline to provide tips, seek services, request help or alert authorities.

No need to say all these developments had a positive effect on the team and the company. We doubled our engineering team and implemented a new brand look & feel in September.

Last but not least, we received two amazing industry accolades. The team won the Bronze Stevie Award for Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year – Up to 100 Employees, and we ended the year with a bang, winning the DOGA Design Award for User Interaction Design – underscoring our very belief that great unity of design and technology is the path to introduce technology in well-established industries.

Again, a big shoutout to all our customers, partners and the Loadsmart team. We’re very grateful and look forward to an even more exciting 2018!


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